Thursday, August 18, 2011

guess what?!!!

we're breaking out of this joint!


 okay, well we're not really breaking out, we're getting discharged!!!  woo hoo!! almost a full 24 hours at the hospital, but not quite!

bronchiolitis (again!) and the start of ear infections in both ears!!

albuterol every three hours until our follow-up with the peds office on monday
pulmacort (inhaled steriod) twice a day
oral steroid twice a day until sunday
antibiotics once a day for 9 more days

OMG!  sounds like we're going to have our hands full this weekend with treatments!  looks like not a lot of sleep for us either....again!  but hey, as long as it gets the dude feeling and breathing better i'll do it!!

sounds like we'll be using the pulmacort twice a day for awhile now as a preventative measure.  we also need to try and figure out what is causing these episodes, which leads me to the fact that we will most likely be seeing a pulmonologist once the dude gets better to discuss prevention, treatments, etc. 

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