oi vey! i'm not sure there's much else i can say.
for the past couple months we have been dealing with these temper tantrums at least a couple times a week. it's like a switch is flipped and he goes from super happy cool dude to crazy angry hulk mad dude! i guess it's payback from when i was younger!
we try to let him work it out on his own all the while reassuring him that we're here for him when he calms down...but yeah, that doesn't usually work. so most of the time we end up looking at him and telling him to breath and relax. sometimes that works, but not very often! for awhile we were spending A LOT of our weekends sitting in timeout in a fit of crying hysteria. we're just hoping that soon he'll understand that he needs to use his words when he's frustrated.
we've been doing good at keeping calm and even keeled. but sometimes i have to just walk out of the room and let him deal with it on his own. or i have to tag daddy into the situation while i step out for a second before blowing up myself.
this was the first night time tantrum. i had fallen asleep downstairs and on my way to bed (around midnight) i did my regular check-in on him before i went to bed and he heard me come in the room. i tried to back up undetected, but no luck! there went the waterworks! i sat in there for an hour with him and no luck getting him back down. finally i had to tag grady in so i could get some sleep. grady tried the 'i'm sleeping' approach, but graham didn't quite get it. after another 45 minutes or so graham had calmed down, was rolling around on grady and then ended up crawling into bed and falling asleep.
of course i could hear the wailing from his bedroom, so i didn't exactly fall asleep. ah, gotta love being awake from 12-2am and then up again at 7 when he's up for the day!
so is this the terrible twos??!!
if so, i'm afraid of what the threes will bring! i hear they're worse. :(
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