Saturday, March 27, 2010

bu, bu, bu, BUMP!

it's almost as if overnight my little bump has made its debut! it's not huge, and you can't really see anything when i have clothes over my belly, but i think it's pretty obvious when i raise my shirt a little. so here it is at 9 weeks 1 day. of course mojo had to get in on the photo shoot as well!

yesterday i also had my 9 week check-up with the doctor. everything went well, except for that my blood pressure was a little high (nothing new with me though!). so i am taking daily bp readings and will just closely monitor it. so far my bp was lower last night and this morning than it was at the doctors office. maybe it was just a litlte bit of white coat syndrome! :)

on a positive note though, my doctor did a surprise ultrasound for me and i got to see our little chickadee one more time. SO much bigger than the last time and the heartbeat was still beating strong! you could actually see it's hands and feet and the shape of it's head. and apparently our little chickadee is quite the wiggle worm! i think seeing it move on the screen has been the coolest thing i've seen so far. i was so bummed that grady wasn't there, but then again, i didn't know i was going to get another ultrasound at this appointment! he'll definitely be at my next appointment though! the doctor sent me home with a couple pictures that i still have to scan. once i do i'll make sure to post them.
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