Friday, September 17, 2010

bump in full effect

34 weeks!!! only 6 more to go!

if we flipped the weeks around...i found out i was pregnant at 6 weeks and felt like it was going to take forever to get this far! quite the opposite. where did the time go?!

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recent pregnancy updates:

gained 24 pounds total so far
started my weekly non-stress tests (nst)
apparently have had contractions but haven't felt them....yet! (found that out at my last nst)
carpal tunnel has completely set into my right hand
started lamaze classes and have practiced my breathing before i fall asleep
start to feel pretty uncomfortable around 8:45pm from chickadude moving around on the right side of my stomach
had my maternity photo shoot
got my first stretch marks (d'oh!)
have "the line" up to my belly button
belly button has almost completely popped
still going on walks with mojo twice a day
still going to pilates...i'll go until i can't move!
and best still getting the comment "you don't look pregnant from the back!" woo hoo!!


  1. you look fab-u, girlfriend!! And I agree...where has the time gone?! We can't wait to love on Graham!!
