Friday, July 2, 2010

so long second trimester

23 weeks!! the last week of my second trimester.

i quite liked the "honeymoon" trimester. for the most part i was in a good mood. i was only getting up once in the night. could sleep for long periods of time on one side. no leg pains or cramps. have had no problems doing most pilates moves. was able to go shopping for longer than 1-hour spurts. still fit in some pre-pregnancy t-shirts. developed an even bigger sweet tooth. appetite has slightly increased where i have to eat small snacks throughout the day now. have only gained 11 pounds total so far. blood pressure continues to hover right around a normal 120/80 (most of the times its lower than that now!!). felt chickadude moving around a lot more, even on the outside! found out we were having a chickaDUDE! decided on the best name - Graham Alexander (i might be a little biased though).

looking forward to what my third trimester will bring!
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  1. Graham Alexander Bell Sanner, I love it!

  2. it has gone by fast (for us anyways!) we can't wait to meet Graham!!

  3. lookin' good katie!! glad things are going well :)
