Sunday, May 8, 2011

first mother's day

wow! today is my first of many mother's day. such a special day for me. i love my son. i love my husband. i love being a mom. it's funny how you don't realize how incomplete you are before having a child of your own. now that the dude is in my life i have something to really live for.

you don't care that you've only had 4 hours of sleep. seeing his face first thing in the morning is priceless and makes everything else disappear. you don't care if you've had a bad day at home, work, etc. the minute you walk into that room and you see your baby smile ear to ear at you, your heart melts. the things you thought would gross you out (throw up, blowouts, etc) now make you laugh. and your day seems to be consumed with poop....and that's okay!

i will do everything in my power to do the best for him and hope that someday he'll do the same for his family. i can't wait to watch you grow up into a little man (not too quickly though!!) of your own.

i love you dude.
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