Sunday, May 22, 2011

seven months!!!

my little dude is somehow seven months old today! how did this happen?

and let me tell you, you are definitely becoming one cute little dude!
no well visits this month, so we're not sure what your stats are. but i know for sure you're growing!! here's what you've been up to this past month:

- wearing size 3 diapers...thinking we might need to switch to 4's very soon!
- still wearing 6-9 month clothes.
- totally transitioned to formula (sniffle!).
- still gobbling up 1/3C of cereal twice a day and getting 2oz of fruit and 2oz of veggies everyday. (i'm proud to say i'm still making all his food too. makes me feel good that i know what's going into him!)
- LOVES pears and sweet potatoes
- likes apples and peas
- has recently started rolling over to your tummy at night after i place you in your crib on your back.
- starting to make the motions of crawling, but no movement yet. although you can spin yourself in a circle on the floor when you're on your tummy.
- would rather be sitting on your own than reclining or laying down. no assistance needed with the sitting either!!!
- uses the BIG big boy bathtub!

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