Monday, April 26, 2010

second gift for chickadee

a big thank you to nanny who sent chickadee's second gift! it was such a surprise on monday to see it in the mail. i absolutely love the books! one weird thing about me is some of my favorite of the weirder ones being the smell of old books! i spent a good 5 minutes with my nose in these ones. :) the onesies are too cute too. i can't wait to get them on little chickadee. s/he is going to look so cute!

one other item included in the package from nanny was my all time favorite picture of tim and i as kids. no caption necessary for this one! :)

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  1. that is probably one of my all-time definitely captures both of your personalities as kids!! :) cute gifts!

  2. my favorite pic of you too. The books were your mom's when she was little, guess that gets them in the "old book" category ;-)
    Love the bathing suit. Can't wait to find out what our little chickadee is.
