my little dude is becoming a big TWO YEAR OLD DUDE!!!
after we picked him up from school we headed over to chick-fil-a where we had his birthday dinner and played on the playground. once we got home we had cupcakes on stand-by!!!! they were much more of a success this year than last year!! he probably could have eaten all four of them actually.
thank you uncle tim, aunt andrea, cousin olivia and cousin mason for a brown box full of goodies that the dude could open (we were saving ours for after his birthday party). ANIMALS!!! :) the dude didn't know what to do with himself. he wouldn't put them down and even brought them to bed with him. and yes, we had to take them out of his bed when we went to sleep!!
here's how well he's doing with repeating things! he's getting great with names too. he only has to say them a few times before he knows who the person is
and the moment you've all been waiting for.....stats!!!
weight: 29 lbs 13 oz (73%)
height: 33" (16%)
head circ: 20.25 (98%)
- we're not overly concerned about the height/weight ratio. his percentages have been steady and there's no rapid growth or decrease of either one.
- spouting out words left and right these days. it's almost like he has a new vocabulary everyday!
- loves to hang on the bars at the playground and go down the big boy spiral slide
- LOVES animals!!! especially monkeys, cows and lions.
- gets two stories before bedtime and then sleeps from about 8pm until 645am or so
- still takes one, three hour nap a day
- not too big on vegetables, unless they're green bean or mushroom crunchtables
- LOVES fruit
- when he would only eat my turkey nuggets and not the frozen chicken nuggets...that's all changed. now he won't eat my nuggets and only frozen chicken nuggets, frozen popcorn shrimp
- favorite food is probably a toss up between pasta and pizza
- can sit through 75% of an animated movie
- is a redskins fan!!!
- mommy is definitely #1, although daddy is coming back strong in the dude's book and almost overtaking the 'favorite' lead
- knows most animal sounds, most colors, a ton of songs from school, and is starting on his numbers